Retreats and Song Schools
I sometimes offer retreats where we gather at a really inspiring place with somewhere between 12 and 20 writers and we spend time learning the craft of songwriting and writing songs, both solo efforts and co-writing supervised by me and a fellow master teacher. If you’d like info on the next one of these, email me or check back here from time to time and they will be posted.
In the spring and summer, I often participate in song schools with other teachers. I have been at the Rocky Mountain song school for 27 years running and I’m the head of faculty at the Kerrville song school in Texas. Over the years, I have also taught at Sisters Academy in OR, Swannanoa Gathering, Summersongs, West Coast Songwriters and many more. Post Covid when I start doing more of these again, I will list them on a calendar linked to this page. Stay tuned.
“This year, at The Swannanoa Gathering, a friend of mine asked why I liked Steve Seskin so much - I was taking two of his week-long classes. I told her, first, I like the man. Second, I love his songs and third, he is a GREAT teacher. After she’d spent the week around Steve I asked her if she wanted to ask me that question again… She just laughed and signed up for this retreat.”